Lindsay crudele is a james beard award-winning writer based in Boston.

The Sad State of Work from Home Lunches (Boston Globe)

The Sad State of Work from Home Lunches (Boston Globe)

It’s a slippery slope for remote workers: first, it’s the dry shampoo, and before you know it, it’s yoga pants and forgetting to stand up once in a while. Soon, you’re telling yourself this spoonful of peanut butter should cover you for the rest of the afternoon.

[Read more at the Boston Globe]

Fiction: The Spy Who Gets Great Deals on Discount Airfare (Queen Mob's Teahouse)

Fiction: The Spy Who Gets Great Deals on Discount Airfare (Queen Mob's Teahouse)

Interview: Mark Bittman (Boston Globe)

Interview: Mark Bittman (Boston Globe)